
Англия картинки, стоковые фото Англия | Depositphotos

  1. Put am, is, are

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.

Are your children here?. Yes, they are.

Is this your bag? No, it  is  not.

We  are at home.

It is Sunday today.

I am  a dentist.

2. Choose the correct present simple forms to complete the following sentences.

  • My son never  watches cartoons.
  • What language does he study .
  • John doesn’t get up very late.
  • Ann and Kate go to the cinema.
  • The museum  opens at 10 o’clock.
  • She has two sisters.
  • drink  tea.
  • They live in London.

  • 26.11
  • Նախադասությունները գրեք ներկա շարունակական ժամանակով /հենց հիմա/, օրինակ
  • We play games.  We are playing games.

    She reads a book. She is reading a book.

    They swim in the lake. They are swimming in the lake.

     You write a letter.  You are writing a letter.

    We fly. We are flying.

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